Claim forms for all other services
Postal claims
Simply select the form below that's suitable to your needs, and follow these steps:
Gather your receipts, if this is applicable to the service.
Fill form
Print and complete the relevant form.
Claim forms from A - Z
Anaesthetists' supplementary claim form
This form is for completion by the Consultant Anaesthetist who provides the service.
Appliance claim form
This claim form is for submitting appliance claims. Details for each appliance that you are claiming for must be included. The list of Vhi Approved Medical and Surgical Appliances can be found here.
Convalescent care claim form
Benefit is payable for a specific period toward the cost of the accommodation.
Fertility benefit claim form
Provide details and claim benefit towards your fertility treatment.
360 Health/Vhi SwiftCare form
Form to claim for care in Vhi SwiftCare or Vhi 360 Health Centre.
Healthsteps claim form
This claim form is for submitting day-to-day medical expenses covered by your plan.
Claim form for clinical care received in your home with Vhi Hospital@Home.
Hospital Intensive Care
This form is for completion by the consultant who provides intensive care medicine.
Neonatal Intensive Care
This form is for completion by the consultant who provides the care.
Pay and claim back form
Claim form for benefits we pay direct to you The claim form below can be used to claim for any of the following benefits:
Return Home Benefit
Available following a hospital stay of 5 days or more on relevant plans.
Parent Accompanying Child
Travel and accommodation expenses for parent/guardian accompanying a child (under 14 years at last renewal date) during that child's hospital stay in excess of 3 days.
Cancer Care Support
Accommodation & Travel grant - available when a patient travels for outpatient cancer chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment and/or is required to stay overnight in accommodation convenient to the hospital.
Update 1st March 2025- Charging of electric vehicles is now eligible to claim. We will allow a flat rate of 7c per kilometre travelled. No proof of expenditure is required. Effective from renewals on or after 1st March 2025.
Child Nursing
Nursing care at home (for a member under 18 years of age at last renewal date) following a stay in hospital of 5 days or more.
Post-Natal Home Nursing Benefit
Home nursing, by a registered nurse, incurred within 3 days of delivery.
Patient Support
Benefit towards the accommodation costs of a family member as detailed on relevant plans.
Manual Lymph Drainage
Benefit towards the cost of Manual Lymph Drainage. The person providing the care must be a Physiotherapist, or Physical Therapist, or a member of MLD (Manual Lymph Drainage) Ireland.