Claim forms for all other services

Postal claims

Simply select the form below that's suitable to your needs, and follow these steps: 


Gather your receipts, if this is applicable to the service.

Fill form

Print and complete the relevant form.


Address: Vhi, Po Box 11530, Dublin 18.

Claim forms from A - Z

A - H

Anaesthetists' supplementary claim form

This form is for completion by the Consultant Anaesthetist who provides the service.

Select form

Appliance claim form

This claim form is for submitting appliance claims. Details for each appliance that you are claiming for must be included. The list of Vhi Approved Medical and Surgical Appliances can be found here

Select form

Convalescent care claim form

Benefit is payable for a specific period toward the cost of the accommodation. 

Select form

Fertility benefit claim form

Provide details and claim benefit towards your fertility treatment.

Select form

360 Health/Vhi SwiftCare form

Form to claim for care in Vhi SwiftCare or Vhi 360 Health Centre.

Select form

Healthsteps claim form

This claim form is for submitting day-to-day medical expenses covered by your plan. 

Select form

Hospital claim form

This form will be completed by hospital administrative staff.

Select form


Claim form for clinical care received in your home with Vhi Hospital@Home.

Select form

Hospital Intensive Care

This form is for completion by the consultant who provides intensive care medicine.

Select form
I - Z

Maternity claim form

Suitable for members who have received inpatient maternity care.

Select form

Neonatal Intensive Care

This form is for completion by the consultant who provides the care.

Select form

Oncology and Radiology

This claim form will be completed by the administrative team.

Select form

Physio Company form

This claim form is for submitting your Joint Care Programme claims.

Select form

Private ambulance form

Claim form for a private ambulance.

Select form

Surgical procedures

This claim form will be completed by a medical practitioner. 

Select form

Pay and claim back form

Claim form for benefits we pay direct to you The claim form below can be used to claim for any of the following benefits: