Pregnant woman

Vhi Midwife Support Services

Support throughout each stage of your pregnancy

Maternity support for you and your family

Vhi Midwife Support Service aims to provide education and support to Vhi members throughout your pregnancy journey.

A dedicated midwife will guide you through each stage of your pregnancy with a series of consultations, in addition to the care provided by your General Practitioner and maternity care provider.
Nurse icon

Midwife Support Service

A dedicated midwife throughout your pregnancy.
  • Simple registration process.
  • Tailored information and support for you.
  • Practical and emotional support.
  • Phone or video calls.
  • Plus, 4 consultations after baby's arrival.


Once registered, you will have the support of a dedicated team of midwives. You can book your first consultation from 8 weeks with access to 3 antenatal consultations and 4 post-natal. Plus, you can schedule consultations at times and dates most convenient to you.


Baby's arrival

Once baby arrives, our midwives will continue to support you with 4 more consultations. These can be booked as needed within the first 6 weeks after birth. We recommend booking your first consultation in the first few days of being home with your newborn to gain the most support. 


Here's how to register

Download the app via Google Play or iTunes and select 'Midwife Support'.

Choose 'Register now', fill in details and click 'Complete Registration'.

Confirmation email will arrive. Then a call within two days to arrange your first consultation. 

Download Vhi App today

Adding my newborn to my policy

While your policy is active, you can add your newborn without an additional cost, until your next renewal date in a few easy steps:

  • Log in to MyVhi
  • See 'My Policies'. Select 'View' and simply add your newborn in a couple of clicks.

Note: if your policy is paid by your employer, you can call us to add your newborn. Only the policyholder can add or view your baby's details. Should you decide on a plan that is different to the one you're on, just call us: 056 444 4444.

Data Protection: Click here to see how we use your data



Vhi Verified – expert health advice 

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