Active middle aged man outdoors in the evening sun, holding a gadget

Vhi cancer care

Complete support when you need it

With you every step of the way

Whether you need help with cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment or recovery, we're there. Not just for the big things like hospital treatments but also the things you may not expect, that help to make your journey easier.

Vhi dedicated screening centres

Lifestyle choices such as physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight and proper diet and nutrition can all help to improve your overall wellbeing and reduce the risk of cancer.

As a Vhi Healthcare member, you have access to a range of healthy lifestyle supports to help you achieve your goals. This includes Vhi HealthCheck Screening Programme run by Vhi doctors and nurses in our dedicated screening centres. Part of this is a proactive health and lifestyle assessment that provides a holistic view of your overall health. You can check your plan for benefit details, as cover may vary. 



Consultation between patient and medical practitioner

Vhi HealthCheck Screening Programme

This includes tests for prostate cancer, and breast and testes examinations. To book an appointment, call 056 775 3010.

Ireland’s National Screening Programme includes screening tests for breast cancer, cervical cancer, bowel cancer and diabetic retina testing. Vhi complements this programme with a range of benefits for our members, including more access to screening and genetic testing for specific types of cancer.

Additional benefits are available including...


Breast cancer screening can show breast cancers at an early stage and can help to reduce mortality rates. You can find your nearest approved centre below. 

Vhi approved centre list

Genetic testing

Genetic testing helps to determine if you are at risk of developing specific cancers.

If you think genetic testing is for you, talk to your GP. 


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Healthy lifestyle supports

As a Vhi member, you have access to a range of benefits to help achieve your lifestyle goals, including support for your mental and physical wellbeing.

Support in your home

Vhi Online Doctor

A face-to-face video consultation with an experienced doctor, based in Ireland, from the comfort of your home. Available 7 days a week, within Vhi app. 

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Vhi Online Health Team

Access expert clinical care in the comfort of your home. Whether you need a nurse, dietitian or physiotherapist, we're here.

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Mindfulness and Meditation

Vhi Healthcare members can avail of €30 off an annual subscription to Headspace or Calm app. 

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Alternative Therapies

Reflexology or Acupuncture can help to relieve a range of issues. See your Table of Benefits for details of benefits that are covered.


Vhi parkrun

Vhi parkruns are free weekly events across Ireland every weekend. Keep fit and earn rewards from Vhi by walking, jogging or volunteering at one of the many parkrun events.

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When you need us, we're there

Find the right plan for you.

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Benefits vary by plan. You can check those covered on your plan in your Table of Benefits in MyVhi.

Guide to Vhi's cancer care

At Vhi Healthcare, we understand that the physical and emotional aspects of your diagnosis and treatment will be personal to you and your family. That’s why, it’s important for us to ensure you get the care you need, at every step of your cancer journey.  And, you can have peace-of-mind knowing that the cost of your treatment is something you will never have to worry about.*


Benefits include...



All your oncology treatment including surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, brachytherapy, Onco Type DX testing, Molecular profiling for targeted therapy, etc., will be fully covered by your Vhi plan.*


Fast access

Vhi provides fast access to, and cover for the widest range of cancer treatments in Ireland.


New cancer drug

Once a cancer drug is proven to be effective in treating a cancer at a particular stage, we will provide our members with access and cover for that treatment. 

Cancer care diagnosis - medical professional and patient extending supportive hands

If you get a diagnosis

As a Vhi Healthcare member, you will have access to an extensive package of benefits and services designed to support you every step of the way. 

If your GP is concerned, they will generally carry out a thorough review of your overall health and look at your symptoms and your family history of illness. They may also refer you for blood tests, or scans or carry out a biopsy to test if cancer cells are present. 

More imaging tests may be done to see if, and how far the cancer may have grown or spread. This process is called 'Staging' and it helps your medical team to develop a treatment plan that’s best for you. Your guide to Vhi Cancer Care contains further details in this regard.

Most of our plans provide cover towards the cost of visits to your GP and Consultant, as well as cover for tests and scans they may refer you for. You can also claim money back for other day-to-day medical expenses.

Please bear in mind that benefits vary depending on your plan. You can quickly and easily check the benefits provided by your plan through the ‘Am I Covered’ facility in the Vhi App or MyVhi.  

Care in your home

For many people undergoing cancer treatment, the frequency of hospital visits can really take its toll. Vhi’s Hospital@Home service is provided by a clinical team who can provide some treatments to cancer patients, in the comfort of their own home.

Cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy treatment can often develop infections due to decreased immunity. To avoid a hospital visit or a hospital stay, our team of doctors and nurses can administer IV antibiotics (if the oncologist or referring consultant prescribes them) and oversee the management of the patient’s treatment, in their own home. Geographic restrictions apply. 



Types of diagnostic imaging

Imaging is used to help find tumours and identify other changes inside the body. It can show how much disease is there and help see if treatment is working. It can also be used to do biopsies and other surgical procedures. The Imaging tests below are often used in diagnosing cancer.

We have an extensive network of approved imaging centres nationwide. If your doctor refers you for a scan, you will find one conveniently located close to you here. 

We're here for the whole you

Find the right plan for you.

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*Benefits vary by plan. You can check those covered on your plan in your Table of Benefits in MyVhi.


As a cancer survivor you are naturally eager to return to good health. But, beyond your initial recovery, there are ways to improve your long-term health so that you can enjoy the years ahead. A healthy lifestyle can help your body recover after treatment. It can also reduce the risk of other illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Focus on long-term health...

Improving your diet

A balanced and varied diet is vital to aid recovery. You should ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician to help design an eating plan for you.




Coping with stress

Effective coping strategies can help to relieve depression, anxiety and symptoms related to the cancer and its treatment. 



Emotional wellbeing

Additional supports from Vhi

It can often take some time to re-adjust to life after treatment. That’s why we’ve developed a package of benefits and supports to help you recover and adjust.

When you need us, we're there.

Find the right plan for you.

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Benefits vary by plan. You can check those covered on your plan in your Table of Benefits in MyVhi.